Edit an existing Customer Profile

The following are the steps required to edit a customer profile in the OEMS system.

  1. From the order.sensus.com Customer Landing page, select Order Entry, then Customer Profiles, OR, from the Pre-Order Information drop-down menu, select Setup a Customer Profile.
    The Customer Profile search screen displays.
  2. Enter either the whole customer name or part of the customer name in the search bar and click the button. Alternatively, use the bar chart to drill down to the customer profile you need.

    If you want to include customers in your search that are marked as obsolete in the system, click the down arrow button and select Include Obsolete Profiles.

  3. A list of all customer names containing the search term displays. After you have found the correct one, highlight that line and double-click to open the Customer Profile.
  4. The customer profile opens on the Primary Information tab. Click through the vertical tabs and edit the profile information as needed. Click the Save icon at any point to save the information you just entered.
  5. If you want to edit another customer, enter the customer name in the search bar and click the search icon to pull up the profile.