Set up a Configuration

How to set up a new Configuration in

A Configuration defines the type of units that will be built. You must have a legitimate Customer Profile in the system to assign to any new configuration. If you are creating a configuration for a customer that is not in the system, go to Set up a new Customer Profileand create the customer.

  1. From the Customer Landing page, select Order Entry, then Order Configurations,

    OR, from the Pre-Order Information drop-down menu, select Setup a Configuration.

    The Configurations search screen displays.
  2. For a new configuration, click the button at the end of the search bar.
  3. A new Configuration data entry page opens. The first vertical tab is Primary Information. Items that must be entered in order to save a new configuration are highlighted in red.
  4. Enter the Product Line and the Customer Name. As you fill in the required fields, they change from a red highlight to no highlight.
    You must enter the Product Line first. All other fields and options are driven by what product you choose.
    Options in the drop-down menus in the data entry section and the vertical panes change depending on the product line.
    The Profile Name automatically updates as you select different options to reflect the choices you have made; you can name it something different if you so choose.
  5. At any point in the process, click the Save icon to save everything you have entered so far. If this configuration file is missing pertinent information, an error message displays.
  6. When you have entered the information in the Primary Information vertical tab, continue on to the other vertical tabs as needed.
    Note: Some of the drop-down menus have a tool tip to guide your further if you are not sure which options to choose. Put the cursor of your mouse over the drop-down menu and the tool tip displays.
  7. To add another new configuration, click the plus symbol in the search and icon bar.