Network Manager and Engineering role

Describes the role of a network manager or engineer within the FSR system.

The Network Manager and RF Designer will review several sections in FSR. While some tabs provide general information, other tabs require the network manager or RF designer to provide input, download design inputs and upload design deliverables.

Primary Information Tab

Provides general information for the propagation study including location, MTS and requested delivery date.
  • Action Required (Network Manager only): Assign both the Design Engineer and the Target Due Date.

Contact Information Tab

Provides information only and includes the customer information.

Network Information Tab

Provides information about the design type. This page also provides the capacity requirements necessary for the capacity analysis.
  • Action Required: Capture capacity inputs for analysis.

Service Area Tab

Provides information only and includes the Service Territory information.

Frequency Information Tab

Provides the preliminary spectrum assignment to be used in the capacity analysis.
  • Action Required: Preliminary spectrum assignment for the capacity analysis.

Vertical Assets Tab

Provides the vertical assets and priority provided by the customer to view and download.
  • Action Required: Review and download for analysis.

Attachments Tab

a) Provides additional files needed for the design.
  • Action Required: Review and download any necessary files for analysis. Upload design deliverables upon completion of the design.

Comments Tab

Tracks progress and comments provided by people involved in design.

Missing Information Tab

Provides a list of the missing information for assignment.

Activities Tab

Provides information on the status of the design.