Sales, Distributor, MTS role

Describes the role of a salesperson, distributor, or MTS within the FSR system.

When making a request, the following information needs to be added by Sales, Distributor, or an MTS.

Primary Information Tab
  1. Enter the requested completion date (not required).
  2. Enter the primary MTS.
  3. If the PSPO is not being waived, you must attach the customer PO in the Attachments tab. Customer service will then enter the PO into the ERP system (BPCS) and then enter the PO at the bottom of the screen when the prop study is complete.
  4. If the PSPO is being waived, click PSPO Waiver Requested and it will guide the workflow from there.
Contact Information Tab
  1. Confirm that the contact information is correct, as well as the bill to and ship to addresses.
  2. If some or all of this data is missing, then it must be entered in Salesforce for the selected account on the Primary Information tab. It will feed over real-time after it is entered. Reload the Solution to see it filter through.
Network Information Tab
  1. Select all reading devices that apply from the drop-down menu.
  2. Enter Meter information and location information by clicking the Add button. A window will pop up for you to enter the information. This section is used to help the network engineers estimate how to design the network based on the inputs you have selected. You can enter many different combinations and should be as specific as possible when it comes to the customer's network so that the network design can be done as few times as possible.
  3. Capacity scenario names state the resolution and read rate of the meter that the customer would like to have transmitted by the SmartPoint module. There are additional details within the description. These scenarios help the network engineers design the network and at same time make it easier for the users to make a selection. For example, a customer has residential meters that read in single gallons. The capacity scenario would thus be "Resolution: 1 gallon read rate: 60", meaning the customer wants to receive an hourly read and the meter resolution is programmed to one gallon reads.
  4. Once you click OK, the information is added to the grid that displays on the Network Information Tab.

ESM Calculator Tab

This tab only displays if you have electric meters listed in the Network Information tab. If electric is selected, then the ESM calculator needs to be filled out for each type of meter being placed on the network. This is helpful for the network engineers to determine how much traffic a network can handle and how adding ESM impacts the network.

Service Area Tab

Click Add to add counties or provinces for consideration. A pop up box displays the state and province options. Choose the applicable one, click OK, and the county and state will show on Service Area tab list.

Vertical Assets Tab
  1. Select a structure preference, enabling the design team to know if they can use other available sites in the area.
  2. Vertical asset data (water tanks, cell towers, buildings, etc) can be added individually or mass uploaded. Click Add to begin entering information for individual vertical assets.
  3. All fields in the pop up box are required. The latitude and longitude are now required and addresses will not be accepted. These can be acquired by finding the address on google earth if the customer does not have that data.
  4. Entering the correct antenna mounting location is very important as this can affect the system design.
  5. Structure priority gives the design team knowledge about the importance of a particular vertical asset.
  6. A mass upload can be done or you can download the template and fill it out.

Attachments Tab

Add all required attachments here including meter data and territory map. All other attachments may be optional depending on the utility type you are requesting a design for or what stage the Solution is in.

Comments Tab

Enter any comments for the design team that you think are relevant.

Missing Information Tab

This tab contains a list of all the pieces of data that are missing and preventing the study from moving forward.