Electric configuration

Items to note when creating a Electric configuration.

  • When Electric is the Product Line, you must select the Installation Location, the Platform, and whether the FlexNet AMR is ESM or non-ESM.
  • If Stratus is selected as the platform, the meter form, voltage, and current are filled in automatically.
  • If iConA is selected as the platform, you must select the meter form, voltage, and current.
  • If ESM is selected as the FlexNet AMR, no additional settings are required.
  • If non-ESM is selected as the FlexNet AMR, for either Stratus or iConA, additional tabs display to the left that must be specified. These include Features, Demand Configuration, Display, DST Settings, Config Options, and Security Options.
  • Before selecting a frequency channel, check with your MTS to make sure you are setting the correct channel.